Project list second funding period (first period below ↓)

No. Principal investigator(s) Project title
1 Michael Baake (Bielefeld)
Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Recombination processes and ancestral partitioning
2 Rolf Backofen (Freiburg)
Peter Pfaffelhuber (Freiburg)
The population genetics of the CRISPR-Cas system in bacteria
3 Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Anton Wakolbinger (Frankfurt am Main)
Lines of descent under selection
4 Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Coordination of SPP 1590
5 Matthias Birkner (Mainz)
Jochen Blath (Berlin)
Genealogies and inference for populations with highly skewed offspring distributions under further evolutionary forces
6 Matthias Birkner (Mainz)
Nina Gantert (München)
Ancestral lineages and long-time behaviour of population models with interactions
7 Jochen Blath (Berlin)
Noemi Kurt (Berlin)
The role of dormancy in population genetics
8 Anton Bovier (Bonn)
Joachim Krug (Köln)
Fitness landscapes and adaptive dynamics
9 Julien Dutheil (Plön)
Accounting for spatial heterogeneity of parameters in the sequentially Markov coalescent process
10 Fabian Freund (Stuttgart)
Multiple-merger coalescents - suitable models for gene genealogies in real populations?
11 Andreas Greven (Erlangen)
Stochastic evolution under selection, rare mutation and recombination: From configurations to genealogical structures and back
12 Martin Hutzenthaler (Essen)
Dirk Metzler (München)
Evolution of altruistic defense traits in structured populations
13 Martin Hutzenthaler (Essen)
Peter Pfaffelhuber (Freiburg)
The effect of natural selection on genealogies
14 Götz Kersting (Frankfurt am Main)
Anton Wakolbinger (Frankfurt am Main)
Evolving coalescents
15 Achim Klenke (Mainz)
Genealogical aspects of symbiotic and mutually catalytic branching processes
16 Wolfgang König (Berlin)
Branching random walks in random enviroment and their applications to population genetics
17 Marcel Ortgiese (Bath)
Interfaces in spatial population dynamics
18 Wolfgang Stephan (Berlin)
Aurélien Tellier (München)
Recurrent selective sweeps versus trench warfare in host-parasite coevolution: the influence of population size changes
19 Anja Sturm (Göttingen)
Genealogies of populations with competition and large variation in the offspring distribution in multi locus and spatially structured settings
20 Anita Winter (Essen)
Evolving pathogen phylogenies: a two-level branching approach
21 Thomas Wiehe (Köln)
Combinatoric and probabilistic properties regarding the topology of genealogical trees and application in population genetics



Project list first funding period

No. Principal investigator(s) Project title
1 Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Michael Baake (Bielefeld)
Recombination processes and ancestral recombination trees
2 Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Anton Wakolbinger (Frankfurt am Main)
Lines of descent under selection
3 Ellen Baake (Bielefeld)
Probabilistic structures in evolution (SPP central project)
4 Matthias Birkner (Mainz)
Jochen Blath (Berlin)
Genealogies and inference for populations with highly skewed offspring distributions under further evolutionary forces
5 Matthias Birkner (Mainz)
Nina Gantert (München)
Analysis of ancestral lineages in individual-based spatial population models and random media
6 Jochen Blath (Berlin)
Interacting stochastic (partial) differential equations, combinatorial stochastic processes and duality in spatial population dynamics
7 Anton Bovier (Bonn)
Joachim Krug (Köln)
Fitness landscapes and adaptive dynamics
8 Andreas Greven (Erlangen)
Stochastic evolution under selection, rare mutation and recombination: From configurations to genealogical structures
9 Oskar Hallatschek (Göttingen)
Constrained branching random walks as a minimal stochastic model of asexual adaptation
10 Martin Hutzenthaler (Essen)
Dirk Metzler (München)
Evolution of altruistic defense traits in structured population
11 Götz Kersting (Frankfurt am Main)
Anton Wakolbinger (Frankfurt am Main)
Evolving coalescents
12 Achim Klenke (Mainz)
Lookdown construction of symbiotic branching processes
13 Wolfgang König (Berlin)
Branching random walks in random environment with a special focus on the intermittent behavior of the particle flow
14 Peter Pfaffelhuber (Freiburg)
Evolving genealogies under recombination
15 Wolfgang Stephan (Berlin)
Recurrent selective sweeps versus trench warfare in host-parasite coevolution
16 Anja Sturm (Göttingen)
Genealogies of populations with large variation in the offspring distribution in multi locus and spatially structured settings
17 Anita Winter (Essen)
Modeling evolving phylogenies in the context of phylodynamic patterns
18 Thomas Wiehe (Köln)
Combinatoric and probabilistic properties regarding the topology of coalescent trees and application in population genetics
19 Arne Traulsen (Plön)
Evolutionary game theoretic models with underlying genetic architecture
20 Peter Stadler (Leipzig)
Genotype-Phenotype Maps and Signatures of Selection in Genomic Sequences


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